Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Conquering Obstacles (Part 19--Grrrrr!!!)

I am so upset and so angry now that I could just scream! Maybe then someone would listen to me!

I have been here for two months now and not one thing has changed. I haven't even had a surgery. This is such a waste of time! and I miss my mom and dad!

Oh, every Wednesday is dentist day, so I did make a trip to see him the first week I was here. He said he found a small cavity and proceeded to fix it; but after giving me Novocaine, he didn't wait long enough for it to take effect. So I had a dozen more shots, well--maybe two or three--enough to make my jaw numb for what seemed like days. That dentist is an A-1 loser!

The four new roommates that I had are now gone, either with or without casts. That's where I should be--GONE! Even the new girls have had their surgeries. I don't get it!! I'm thinking that I should be home by now.

Every Friday all five doctors make their rounds and tell the children whether or not they are going to surgery the following Tuesday. When they get to me, I eagerly ask them, "Is it my turn yet?" And each week they give the same response, "Soon. We need to be patient." Finally, on their most recent round, I replied, "I AM the patient! I don't even know why I'm here if you aren't going to do something." (I'm hoping they don't report my behavior to my parents.)  But...still nothing...not this coming week.

The food is good, and the nursing staff is nice to everyone. As for the entertainment, they seem to have everything here that a child could want. Except me! I want a wheelchair so I can join in the races up and down the hallways like the other kids. This simply is NOT fair!


To be continued...

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