Sunday, October 17, 2010

Conquering Obstacles (Part 29--The Confrontation)

As I sat outside in my car, the tears became free flowing. Surprisingly, I felt no anger toward Jacque, only a numbness. Vic lived in my old neighborhood, so as I slowly drove the streets with no destination in sight, I thought about all the years Jacque and I had been friends, all the struggles we had shared, all the sleepovers, all the giggles, one good time after another. And now it had come to this.

Hadn't Vic said, "She calls all the time."?  Why would she do that? Why wasn't seeing him at school enough for her? After all, what could she possibly have to say to him? I couldn't believe that this was happening to me. She lived about a mile away; and as I drove that dark, lonely street, I thought about what I would say to her or what she had to say to me. At this point, though, I really didn't care what she had to say. This was going to be MY turn.

Her mother answered the door and led me into the bedroom where I found Jacque talking on the telephone. The minute she saw me, she hung up. For a brief second, I wondered if she was talking to Vic again, but it didn't matter anymore. Immediately she said, "I'm so sorry," but I didn't give her the opportunity to say much more than that.

I sat down beside her, and took her hand into mine. "All these years I thought you were my "true" friend because we shared so much. I didn't think I would ever say this, but I actually feel sorry for you. You always wanted to be like me, didn't you? That's why you liked coming to my house and doing my chores, trying to be part of MY family. You wanted everything I had hoping that you would become the somewhat "normal" one as I have . But it doesn't work that way."

She tried several times to interrupt me, but I wouldn't allow it.

"And now you want my boyfriend? Do you really think that will make you happy? Because all I know is that you have just lost possibly the best friend you will ever have had. If he is that important to you, then go for it. But you're going to have to win his heart...and you will lose. Why? Because you have always had everything just handed over to you, but not this time."

"I don't ever want to see you or hear from you again." I gave her a hug and walked out of her life forever.

To be continued...

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